Member Tracking System

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2024 Prepare for the BGCA Annual Report Prepare your data for the 2024 BGCA Annual Report
2024 Pull the BGCA Annual Report Pull the BGCA Annual Report for each site in your organization
Activities - Best Practices for Tracking Best practices for activity tracking
Activities - Clean Up - NEW Clean up multiple activities or activities that are the same but named differently for easier reporting
Activities - Delete Unattended Sessions Remove activity sessions that were scheduled but do not have attendance recorded
Activities - Multiple Scheduling Schedule multiple activities at one time for one club or the entire organization
Activities - Scheduling Basics Basic information about scheduling activities/programs/classes
Activity Setup Setup Activities including General Attendance for Quick Entry scanning
Authorized to Pick-up Members Choose and record who is picking up your members
Auto-Billing and Batch Payments Charge groups of members for weekly fees, monthly fees, program fees all at one time and record payments in batch.
Backup Member Tracking System How to make backups of the Member Tracking System™ MDB Database
Backup Member Tracking System SQL How to make backups of the Member Tracking System™ SQL Database
Bar Code Font And Scanner Setup Easy install and setup the barcode font and scanner
BGCA Key Data Reports How to pull quarterly Boys & Girls Clubs of America reports
Billing Members in Groups Create Groups, charge the members in the Group all at one time
Blue Tooth Scanning Install, setup and use of the blue tooth scanner
Change Password with Temporary Password How to change a password with a temporary password
Charges Payments - Apply Credits Create a charge, apply payments and credits
Charges Payments - Apply Credits to Sibling Create a charge, apply payments and credits to siblings in a household
Charges Payments - Fix Imbalances Cleanup members who have Unspent Payments and Unpaid Charges (Account Imbalances). An Account Imbalance typically occurs when members have a credit balance and then a charge is added and the credit is not used.
Dashboard Create statistical dashboards to open on entry, email or send through MTS NOTIFY
Data Cleanup - Attended but not Enrolled Review members who have attended but do not have enrollment for better membership numbers
Duplicate Members - Avoiding How to avoid duplicate members in the Members screen of the MTS
Email for Gmail How to set up SMTP settings in the Member Tracking System for Gmail using App Password
Email to Contacts Create and send emails to contacts
Email to Text with cell phone number Use email to text Members, Contacts, Staff or Volunteers with a Cell Phone Number
Groups How to use Groups in the Member Tracking System™
Guidance, Accidents & Mentoring Record incidents, accidents and mentoring events with full reporting options
Help - Send Request To Vision Easily request help and make suggestions to Vision
How to Install Windows OS on a Mac Computer Step by step instructions on how to install Windows OS on a Mac computer using Bootcamp Assistant. And how to switch back and forth between the two operating systems.
ID Cards, Labels, Certificates Create custom ID Cards, Labels and Certificates for members, contacts, staff and volunteers.
Import Attendance from Excel - NEW Easily import attendance from Excel to the MTS to eliminate double work
Leave Early or Late Record why members are leaving the club early or late
LICENSE - UPGRADE - LIABILITY AGREEMENT Vision License, Upgrade and Liability agreement
Members - Add New Required Fields Make fields required on the 'Add Member' form to eliminate missing data
Members - Enter New Members How to add new members without creating duplicates and understand the most important data pieces
Members - Flagged Flag members in order to notify your staff of some important information about them
Members - Last Viewed Quickly go back to any one of the last 10 members that you viewed
Members - Member Files Store documents such as medical records, report cards, etc. and attach them to each member
Members - Payment by Credit Card How to record payments via credit card, void and refund
Members - ReEnrolling How to correctly re-enroll your members at the beginning of each membership period
Members - Search Form Quickly search on a variety of fields in the Member Search form
MTS Notify from A to Z MTS NOTIFY App - send clock in/out, group and emergency messages to parents, dashboards to administrative staff or board members
Organization Info - Custom Fields Create unlimited custom fields for data tracking
Organization Info - Custom Fields - Dropdown List Drop down menu for custom fields
Organization Information from Admin to Clubs Move Org Info from main office to clubs via flash drive or email
OYS Community Outreach Best practices for tracking youth who are not regular members of your organization
Pictures for Members and Staff - Camera Take pictures, attach to members and staff for ID cards
Procedures - Broadcast Emails to Contacts NEW Send emails to your members' contacts in bulk
Procedures - Compact and Repair Prepare your data for the upcoming BGCA Annual Report
Procedures - Consolidate Households and People How to cleanup duplicate people
Procedures - Edit Data Clean misspelled cities, doctors, insurance companies, employers and more
Procedures - Email data from club to main office Data from Clubs to Admin
Procedures - End of Day Shut Down Use this tool to automatically enter an out time for any members who forgot to sign out each day
Procedures - Find and Fix Missing Data Easily update missing information for your members
Procedures - Move Members between Units Move a single member to a new Unit or move many members to an Alumni Unit
Procedures - Re-Assign Membership Numbers Re-assign membership numbers for your members in sequential order
Procedures - Repair - Resolve Cleanup erroneous dates in household and status fields
Procedures - SQL Server Maintenance Activities Follow these steps to run SQL maintenance items to keep MTS running smoothly
Procedures - Write-off Unpaid Charges - NEW Select members with old charges and write off those old charges in one pass
Quick Entry Batch Use the Quick Entry Batch screen for faster check in for your members
Report - Account Balance Pull Account Balance for your members on a regular basis to verify the the accounts are being paid
Report - Activity Participation by Zip Code Report a count of members that participated in specific activities broken down by zip code
Report - Activity Report This report displays all chosen activities for a time frame with number of sessions, unduplicated attendance, total visits and more
Report - Annual Payment Summary NEW Print Annual Payment Summaries for your parents for tax purposes each year
Report - Attendance Comparison Report number of times members attended during up to 8 time frames and create a dashboard
Report - Attendance Summary for All Activities for One Month - NEW Print a summary of all or some activities by month by number of visits or number of unduplicated members
Report - Attended 52 - 104 Days Per Year Break down counts for specific number of days attended by specific age groups as of a chosen date
Report - Average Daily Attendance Pull ADA by week, month, school, age ranges, school grade for any date range and any number of activities/programs
Report - Birthdays Print a list of members birthdays in a time frame or create custom certificates for each member
Report - Custom Member List - NEW Create unlimited custom reports with up to 10 fields for rosters, demographic information and more
Report - Custom Statistics Summary - NEW Create your own custom statistical reports with a variety of fields from the MTS
Report - Duplicate Members Create a report showing duplicate members based on matching last name, first name, date of birth or other criteria
Report - Enrolled vs. Attended Review Create a list of members who have come to your facility but may not have enrollment
Report - Flagged Accounts NEW Create a list of members with flagged accounts and the flagged information.
Report - Frequency of Attendance Show how engaged your members have been based on their average weekly attendance over a date range
Report - Household Income, List or Counts - NEW Pull a list of members with their household income or counts for members or households by specific income ranges
Report - Income Family Size Report 2 This report will pull counts of members household size and household income for specified size and income criteria
Report - Media Release, Public Relation Permissions Produce a list of members that you can take pictures of for your website, newsletter, or social media.
Report - Member Attendance Records - NEW Pull attendance records for a single member, a group of members or all members with in time, out time, duration and who picked up the member.
Report - Member Charge/Payment Account Summary Pull all charges for a chosen date range and any payments that are directly related to those charges. Also choose to show Attendance for up to 12 date ranges (Export Only) to easily compare attendance to charges/payments.
Report - Member Contact List by Group Print a list of members' contacts filtered by Group(s).
Report - Member Data As Of Specific Date - NEW Print member information for any specific date including current
Report - Member Expiration List Create a list of members whose membership has lapsed, so you can call them to encourage them to come back
Report - Member Hardcopy NEW Create a hardcopy of all of the members information, for parents to sign off or for grant purposes
Report - Member Medical Information List - NEW Create a report with member medical information for quick review at your front counter
Report - Members Attended but not Charged Print a list of members who participated at your facility, but were not charged any fees.
Report - Permission Slips - NEW Create permission slips for field trips for each member that will participate
Report - Retention Rate How to calculate retention rate of your members
Report - School and Grade Review - NEW Create a list of members with school and grade information to verify that your members are in the correct school grade each fall for the new year
Reports - Favorites NEW Setup your favorite reports on the Favorites tab which makes pulling your regular reports faster
Staff - Active or Inactive - NEW Review and update your staff or volunteers who are no longer working for your organization.
Staff Hours - Prevent Date Time change on check in and out How to setup permissions to prevent staff/volunteers from changing the clock in or out time in Quick Entry
Staff Hours - Time Types - NEW Staff can check in/out for different time types so specific time can be allocated.
Staff Hours to Grants - NEW Assign hours worked by your staff to specific grants or funding sources
Staff Volunteers - Time Card Retrieve and Build - NEW How to create a time card for your staff and/or volunteers
Staff Volunteers A to Z NEW How to setup staff and volunteer tracking A to Z
Unit Information Create Units for each physical location you want to record information for your members.
Universal Selection Engine Choose WHO will show on a report or screen with the Universal Selection Engine
Users - A to Z NEW Add, modify and delete users, add/remove permissions, review tasks for users and more
Users - Security Admin vs Club NEW Understand user security for administrative users vs users at your club sites
Web Registration Grouping Sections - NEW Create Grouping Sections of Groups in order to require one of many or many of many choices