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Please feel free to contact our office phone at 888-425-6964 to leave a voice message, and we will in touch with you as soon as possible. You can also send us a contact request here.

We appreciate your intrest in our products, and will be in contact with you soon.

Products Price
Member Tracking System (1st Site License) $1,800.00
Member Tracking System (Per Additional Site License) $1,000.00
Supporter Donation System (1st Site License) $2,000.00
Supporter Donation System (Per Additional Site Licenses) $1,000.00
Member Tracking and Supporter Donation System - Annual Upgrade Fee (1st Site License)* $400.00
Member Tracking and Supporter Donation System - Annual Upgrade Fee (Per Additional Site License)* $200.00
SQL Server Data Backend For Member Tracking System $1,500.00
Online Web Registration (Per Application) $1.00
Parent Portal (Average of 3 years Enrolled or Attended) $0.70
Quick Entry Mobile Per Concurrent User Per Year $100.00
Bluetooth Barcode Scanner $475.00
Barcode Scanner $400.00
Cord to Convert Barcode Scanner $65.00
Cash Drawer $450.00
MTS Notify (Mobile Application) $0.99
Data Transfer Services - Per Hour (Estimated) $100.00
Offsite Web Backup Service Per Data File Per Year $75.00
Online Training - Per Hour $75.00
Customer Support - NO CHARGE $0.00

*The $400 Upgrade Fee applies annually for your first license of Member Tracking Systemâ„¢ and annually for your first license of Supporter Donation System. The $200 applies to each additional software license. Both the Member Tracking System and Supporter Donation System require their own Upgrade Fee. The Upgrade Fee allows you to request additional features which will be reviewed for future versions of our software packages.;